Activities 2024 : Training Roadshow-Thai KK Industry


Training session : Heat Transfer Pumps
Date : October 11st, 2024.
Participants Thai KK Industry Company Limited.


The training Roadshow has successfully concluded. A heartfelt thank you to Thai KK Industry for giving me an opportunity. On October 11st, 2024. WFA team Conducted The Heat Transfer Pumps Seminar for engineering & maintenance team.


We look forward to our continued partnership and delivering top-tier service to our clients. If you are interested in Heat Transfer Pumps or any advice, please contact us directly.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity. This seminar is a valuable opportunity.

If you are interested in Heat Transfer Pumps or any advice, please contact us directly.

@waterfieldasia หรือ Click >> @waterfieldasia


We 're ready to discuss your specific needs and recommend the best solution for your application.

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